

  • DAN BIZUBAC Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Muncii Blvd 103-105, Cluj-Napoca, 40641 Author
  • BERND OTTO HOERMANN Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Manufacturing Engineering, Muncii Blvd 103-105, Cluj-Napoca, 40641 Author

Mots-clés :

Computer integrated manufacturing, Enterprise resource planning, Innovation management, Organizational aspects, Technology management


Industry 4.0 reshapes the manufacturing environment starting with improved technological processes, enhanced software implementations, and managerial approaches. Nowadays studies consider only the technical changes and do not assess the impact on the organizational culture, which can provide a better competitive advantage. The concepts approached in this paper are the automated guided vehicles technology (AGV), the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) software implementation, and their impact on the organizational environment. The researchers examined the symbiosis between physical innovations and sociocultural changes. The basis for the AGV technology employs mobile vehicles interconnected through a centered pathway decision-making system in a local wireless network. OEE indicators have been the latest software implementation in terms of reports for the production’s efficiency. Combining the two technologies has been proven sustainable in most of the situations researched, however, AGV autonomy and collision control remain incapable of providing efficient results. To determine the impact on the culture, a quantitative study was conducted using a survey. Findings have demonstrated that the Millennial generation is supportive of an innovative, informal culture. It is mandatory for employees to have a strong mentor who can influence in a positive way their career using technology and software changes.


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