About the Journal

Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques, Série Électrotechnique et Énergétique was founded in 1955 by the Engineering Section at the Romanian Academy as an open-access journal. It is published in one volume per year, consisting of four issues with an average total of 440 pages.
The Journal publishes original papers in English, French, German, and Russian, representing research on electrical and electronic engineering, power engineering, control systems, automation, information technology, computers, thermopower, thermomechanics, biomedical engineering, and related problems. It mainly reflects the fundamental and experimental research activity in the country and abroad. A particular segment reviews the most relevant books in Romania and abroad. The papers are original contributions to highly modern science and technology.
All manuscripts are strictly refereed, and only works of high quality, original, and with the application of the results are accepted for publication.
Through its topics, Revue is of concern to the specialists working in research and education, the candidates for a doctoral degree, and the students in their senior years.

Revue currently has about 165 exchanges with representative journals of the domain from all over the world.

The printed version of the Journal is archived by the Library of the Romanian Academy, the National Library of Romania, and the Journal Secretariat.

Format: print and electronic
ISSN: 0035-4066
Number of issues/year: 4

Clarivate Analytics (ex Thomson Reuters) JCR impact factor (2023): 0.7
Scimago (2023): 19

Revue Roumaine des Sciences Techniques, Série Électrotechnique et Énergétique is a journal of the Romanian Academy, the Section of Engineering