Mots-clés :
48 V network, lighting, automotive, LED, wire harnessRésumé
Lighting systems with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) are the automotive industry default choice for exterior and interior lighting applications to improve customer quality, reliability, and efficiency. Electrical and electronic vehicle architectures are highlighted to create the context between usual propulsion types to create the context of an overall approach. This article studies the trade-off between the 12 V network and the 48 V network with its benefits. The study is conducted by virtual simulation tools to simulate the power architectures of a vehicle and reflect the benefits of a 48 V network for lighting systems to improve power efficiency, reduce total vehicle weight and lower CO2 emissions. Headlamp converter will be simulated to reflect real use case scenarios between different power networks with different harness mass and the likely scenario to bypass the step-up DC/DC drivers used on the 12 V network for the solid-state lighting sources.
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