Dynamic equivalents, Model order reduction, Measurement-based approach, Transient stability, Cuckoo search (CS) algorithm, Chaotic salp swarm algorithm (CSSA)Abstract
Dynamic equivalence is an important process of electrical power systems. It allows performing transient stability assessment of a specific area at a minimum cost. In this paper, the fourth-order model of synchronous generators with a simple exciter is used as an equivalent to the group of generators in the external area. Based on the post fault measurements, parameters of the equivalent are estimated by an optimal procedure. In this procedure, a Low-Level Teamwork Hybrid (LTH) algorithm based on Cuckoo search (CS) and the Chaotic Salp Swarm Algorithm (CSSA) is employed. The developed program is tested on two standard power systems used by most authors who have dealt with this problem. Simulation results confirm the ability of the reduced model to preserve the main dynamics of the original system with accuracy. A comparative study of the LTH approach against recently proposed metaheuristics proved the superiority of the proposed algorithm.
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