Distribution system, Doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG), Voltage sag, Wind farmAbstract
The DFIG's ability to perform variable speed, reactive power control, and reduce converter rating are the main reasons for the popular choice of DFIG for wind power applications. The dynamic behavior of a wind farm based on a DFIG disturbed in the electrical distribution network is described in this paper. Controlling the output power and voltage of the DFIG terminal is the main task of the rotor converter. The effect of wind energy on various system parameters, such as voltage drop and load current, is presented. The system is simulated in Matlab/Simulink software. In the studied system, the wind turbine farm is connected to a distribution system that delivers electricity to the 120 kV network through a feeder. Simulation studies have been performed using Matlab/Simulink to analyze the effect of different DFIG control modes on power quality in a DFIG-based wind farm distribution system. In other operating conditions, the system's response is simulated and compared. The simulation results are shown and discussed in two modes: reactive power regulation and voltage regulation.
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