Current Issue

The 14" edition of the Constructal Law Conference explored diverse instances that evidence the causal relationship between freedom, the imagined (perfection), the observed design in nature (diversity), and the engineered and societal human design.
Diverse phenomena of gravity, sound, turbulence, fish swimming, animal and human migrations, plants, and chemical processes, are manifestations of Constructal Law in physics, biology, and engineering.
The evolutionary design of artifacts (machines) led to the human & machine era of human evolution. When the time arrow of evolution is recognized, humans are enabled to predict their future and surroundings, and improve their lives.
Constructal Law underpins predictive theories of evolution, bio, and non-bio. Its core concepts are interwoven: freedom, organization, motion, shape, structure morphing, hierarchy, and arborescence.
The articles in this volume illustrate perfection and diversity over space and time: the configurations and rhythms of moving and changing designs of people, animals, athletes, technologies, universities, and science itself: divergent evolution hand-in-glove with convergent evolution.
The Constructal Law states: For a finite-size flow system (not infinitesimal, one particle, or subparticle) to persist in time (to live), it must evolve with the freedom to provide easier and greater access to what flows.