Ferroresonance, Low voltage electrical installationsAbstract
The ferroresonance phenomenon is generated by the interaction between nonlinear magnetic devices and capacitive elements in an electrical installation in which losses are reduced and constantly supplied by at least one energy source. Feroresonance is manifested by the appearance of overvoltages and overcurrents in the installation with strongly distorted waveforms. The phenomenon is also accompanied by other disturbances in the quality of electricity (voltage fluctuations, asymmetries, noise, etc.), which propagate in the network affecting the proper functioning of the entire installation. In addition, unlike linear resonance, ferroresonance allows the manifestation of several stable states (modes) for the same parameters of the network, these being imposed by the initial conditions in the installation and the moment of occurrence of the phenomenon. Although this phenomenon was relatively specific to high or medium voltage networks, the imposition of new regulations that provide for the use of electrical equipment with high energy efficiency, created the conditions for this phenomenon to occur in low voltage installations. Thus, the vulnerability to the low resonance of a low voltage installation has become an indicator of electricity quality. This paper presents a procedure for calculating and investigating this phenomenon based on the analysis of numerical solutions of differential equations (nonlinear and non-autonomous) systems, which models the transient phenomena that initiate the appearance of ferroresonance (usually switching processes). Also, modern means of investigation are used (3D visualizations in the phase plan or Poincaré diagrams), imposed by the difficulty of the quantitative analysis both in the dynamic regime and in the stationary regime of ferroresonance. In addition, methods and procedures are proposed to mitigate the effects of the ferroresonance phenomenon on equipment or network elements in electrical distribution installations.
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