Household equipment, Stand-by power consumption, Arduino system, Android, BluetoothAbstract
One of the characteristics of household equipment is that it also consumes power in standby mode, which can take considerable amounts over time. A smart system that can automatically cut off the equipment's power supply in standby mode must be important to reduce power consumption and financial expenses. To design the system, the power consumption in standby mode for 3 basic household equipment was first measured. In one month, the total energy consumption measured in standby mode was 28.31 kWh. Then, the system's functions, based on the Arduino Nano microcontroller, have the role of controlling a relay module status, which is given by the equipment’s consumed current. The system's control is done using an application developed for Android Operating System devices, which can be used to set the time delay current value and manually activate/disable the system. By implementing the proposed system on the 3 previously measured household equipment, the energy consumption on stand-by mode is reduced by 19.83 kWh per month.
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