Constant power loads, Aquila optimization algorithm, Super Twisting Algorithm, DC-DC Boost Converter and sliding mode controllerAbstract
Constant power loads (CPL) can be operated by tight-controlled power electronic converters, which have negative impedance and absorb continuous power. Constant power load creates instability in an open-loop system because of its negative incremental impedance. To tackle this problem, a discrete sliding-mode (AQO-DSM) nonlinear control technique has been proposed for a DC-DC boost converter fed CPL based on Aquila optimization. In this paper, the proposed AQO-DSM controllers provide the system stability during a steady state and maintain output voltage regardless of input voltage or CPL variations. In this case, the DSM controller of a DC-DC boost converter's characteristics are adjusted using the Aquila optimization method (AQO). The Lyapunov stability concept is utilized to assess the system's overall stability. Under various system operating conditions, an experimental study and simulation are carried out to validate the proposed controller. The existing methods, such as sliding mode controller (SMC), fuzzy-based SMC (F-SMC), and super twisting algorithm (STA)-based SMC strategies, are compared with a proposed plan to demonstrate the superiority of the proposed AQO-DSMC. Simulated and experimental results have shown that the AQO-DSMC achieves the fastest convergence, the smallest steady-state, settling time under loaded conditions, and consistent chatter reduction compared with all contrasted control methods.
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