Wireless sensor networks, Dual cluster head selection, Neighborhood indexing sequence algorithm, RoutingAbstract
The wireless sensor network (WSN) is a distributed sensor network that monitors and stores environmental data wirelessly by connecting dispersed sensor nodes. Since wireless sensor nodes rely on batteries for energy, energy consumption, and limitations are considered fundamental problems. A novel multi-objective jellyfish optimization based on energy, degree, distance, mobility, and time parameters (MOJO-ED2MT) technique has been proposed to overcome these challenges. Three phases are involved in the proposed method: selection of cluster heads, compression of data, and routing of the data. In this first phase, a fuzzy agglomerative clustering algorithm is employed to choose an optimal dual cluster head from inter-cluster and intra-cluster. In the second phase, a neighborhood indexing sequence (NIS) algorithm can compress the number of bits in the data before it is transmitted. In the third phase, jellyfish optimization selects the shortest path based on multi-objective parameters. The simulation analysis and result statistics show that the suggested MOJO-E MT approach performs better than the state-of-the-art algorithms across various performance measures. The proposed MOJO-E MT framework achieves 11.5, 15.4 %, and 17.99 % more network lifetime than EOR-iABC, C3HA, and ML-AEFA algorithms.
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