High-power light emitting diodes, Transformerless boost converter, Fractional order PID controller, Fuzzy controller, Red fox optimization algorithmAbstract
Recently, traditional lighting has been replaced by high-power LED (HPLED) due to its significant developments, prolonged lifetime, high brightness, high reliability, and high energy efficiency. Even though conventional converters can precisely match each LED's current, they have some limitations when driving a long string of LEDs. To solve this issue, this paper presents a novel red fox optimized fractional order fuzzy PID Controller (RF-FOFPID) based high gain improved transformerless dc-dc (ITDC) boost converter for a smart LED driver circuit with optimal voltage regulation capability. The error bias is increased to zero by applying FOPID to the fuzzy logic-based compensation steps. The Red Fox optimization algorithm is used to adjust the control parameters of the fractional-level fuzzy PID controller with higher precision to solve limited problems with diverse search spaces. The Simulink model of the proposed converter was created using the MATLAB software tool Simulink and compared with controllers using fractional order PID, fuzzy PID, and conventional proportional integral derivative (PID). The results demonstrated that in terms of minimum overshoot, settling time, rise time, and steady-state error, the proposed converter based on RF-FOFPID outperforms current converters in voltage regulation.
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