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Motor sincron, Autobuz electricRezumat
Producătorul istoric de mașini electrice de tracțiune pentru tramvaie și troleibuze, societatea comercială inovatoare UMEB, a inițiat un proiect comun cu Institutul Național de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Ingineria Electrică ICPE-CA, pentru a proiecta și a realiza o linie nouă de mașini electrice care să realizeze dezideratele de putere, cuplu de pornire, gamă de turații și de temperaturi de funcționare. În urma solicitărilor primite de UMEB din partea integratorilor de vehicule pentru transportul de persoane a apărut necesitatea producerii unui motor electric caracterizat de o densitate mare de cuplu și cu o gamă largă de turații de funcționare. Echipa de dezvoltare a selectat soluția tehnică de motor sincron cu magneți permanenți și răcit cu lichid, a realizat tema de proiectare, dimensionarea motorului, validarea prin simulare numerică a proiectului, proiectarea componentelor motorului, execuția acestora, montajul motorului prototip și testarea acestuia. Motorul prototip TN-EB 21 rezultat este prezentat pe parcursul acestui proces inovativ de dezvoltare.
(1) M.J. Soleimani Keshayeh*, S. Asghar Gholamian„Optimum Design of a three - phase permanent magnet synchronous motor for industrial applications, International Journal of Applied Operational Research, 2, 4, pp. 67-86, 2013
(2) *** Permanent magnet synchronous motor
(3) Phuong Thi Luu, Ji-Young Lee, Ji-Heon Lee, Byung-Chul Woo, Design and analysis of a permanent magnet synchronous motor considering axial asymmetric position of rotor to stator, International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 7–10; pp. 37–40, Jeju-do, South Korea, July 2018.
(4) Dr. A. Sheela, M. Atshaya Mohan, Design of permanent magnet synchronous motor for electric vehicle application using finite element analysis International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research, 9, 3, March 2020,
(5) M. Obata, S. Morimoto, M. Sanada, Y. Inoue, Characteristics of PMASynRM with ferrite magnets for EV/HEV applications, the 15th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 2012.
(6) G. PellegriNo, A. Vagati, P. Guglielmi, B. Boazzo, Performance comparison between surface-mounted and interior PM Motor drives for electric vehicle application, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 59, 2.
(7) Sekerák Peter, Hrabovcová Valéria, Rafajdus Pavol, Kalamen Lukáš, Onufer Matúš, Effect of permanent magnet rotor designon PMSM properties, Transactions on electrical engineering, 1, 3, 2012.
(8) Ye Zhen-Nan, Luo Wei-Dong Zhang Wen-Ming, Feng Zhi-Xiang - Simulative analysis of traction motor cooling system based on CFD -, School of Mechanical Engineering University of Science and Technology China, 2011.
(9) A. Semon, L. Melcescu, Optimizarea numerică a inductorului unui motor sincron de tracțiune cu magneți permanenți interiori, Simpozionul de maşini electrice SME’, Octombrie 2015;
(10) Yannis L. Karnavas, Ioannis D. Chasiotis, Emmanouil L. Peponakis, Cooling system design and thermal analysis of an electric vehicle’s in-wheel PMSM, XXII International Conference on Electrical Machines (ICEM), September 2016.
(11) C. Mademlis, N. Margaris, J. Xypteras, Magnetic and thermal performance of a synchronous motor under loss minimization control, IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, 15, 2, pp. 135- 142, July 2000.
(12) Liu Qinghua, Analysis, design and control of permanent magnet synchronous motors for wide-speed operation, A Thesis Submitted for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy Department of Electrical Engineering National Uuniversity of Singapore, 2005
(13) Phuong Thi Luu, Ji-Young Lee, Ji-Heon Lee, Byung-Chul Woo, Design and analysis of a permanent magnet synchronous Motor considering Axial asymmetric position of rotor to stator, International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS); pp. 37–40, Jeju-do, South Korea, July 2018.
(14) Dr.A.Sheela, M.Atshaya Mohan, Design of permanent magnet synchronous motor for electric vehicle application using finite element analysis, International Journal Of Scientific & Technology Research , 9, 3, March 2020,
(15) Gan Zhang, Wenfei Yu, Wei Hua, Ruiwu Cao, Hongbo Qiu, Aili Guo, The design and optimization of an interior, permanent magnet synchronous machine applied inan electric traction vehicle requiring a lowtorque ripple, Appl. Sci.,9, 3634; 2019.
(16) Caifei Wang, Jianxin Shen, Patrick Chi-Kwong Luk, Weizhong Fei, Mengjia Jin, Design issues of an IPM motor for EPS, COMPEL: The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 31, 1, pp. 71 – 87, 2011.
(17) M. Obata, S. Morimoto, M. Sanada, Y. Inoue, Characteristics of PMASynRM with ferrite magnets for EV/HEV applications, the 15th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), 2012.
(18) G. PellegriNo, A. Vagati, P. Guglielmi, B. Boazzo, Performance comparison between surface-mounted and interior PM motor drives for electric vehicle application, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 59, 2.
(19) SEKERÁK Peter, HRABOVCOVÁ Valéria, RAFAJDUS Pavol, KALAMEN Lukáš, ONUFER Matúš , Effect of permanent magnet rotor designon PMSM properties, Transactions on Electrical Engineering, 1, 2012.
(20) C. Mademlis, N. Margaris, J. Xypteras, Magnetic and thermal performance of a synchronous motor under loss minimization control, IEEE Trans. on Energy Conversion, 15, 2,pp. 135- 142, , July 2000.
(21) V. Navrapescu, D. Anghel, M. Gudumac, M. Popescu, Actionari electrice de curent continuu - Elemente de Proiectare, ICPE, 2001.
(22) ***IEC 60034-1:2017: Electrical machines: Rating and performance.
(23) ***Altair FluxMotor 2020.1 Documentation,
(24) C.A. Pîrlea, Stand metrologic inteligent pentru determinarea automată a parametirlor funcţionali ai motoarelor electrice asincrone, Facultatea de Inginerie Electrica, Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti, 2021.
(25) X. Liu, D. Liang, J. Du, Y. Yu, X. Yang, A torque measuring method based on encoder for permanent magnet synchronous machine, 17th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS), pp. 1510-1514, 2014.
(26) M. Enache, A. Campeanu, S. Enache, I. Vlad, Testing stand for low - power electrical machines, International Conference on Applied and Theoretical Electricity (ICATE) ,pp. 1-6, 2017

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