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autovehicul electric, sisteme de propulsie, topologii noi, mașini electriceRezumat
This work is a review of some research results on some new topologies of electrical machines proposed to be used in propulsion systems of electric vehicles. These new topologies have been presented at the International Electric Machines & Drives Conference, May 12-15, 2019, San Diego, California. There are discussed various new topologies of permanent magnet electrical machines like: electrical machines with alternating poles or with consecvent poles, in surface or in spoke topology, with distributed or concentrated windings, with the rare earth magnets or with a mix of rare earth magnets and ferite magnets, with one or with two stators, with radial or with axial magnetic field. Also, there are discussed various reluctance and hybrid topologies used for high speed electrical machines. Other discussed issues are related to speed domain extension using various windings connection schemes for induction motors and for switched synchronous reluctance motors. Special topologies which can improve air or water cooling of electrical machines are, also, discussed.
(1) C. Gong, S. Li, T. Habetler, Practical Considerations in the Design and Manufacture of Ultra-High Speed Switched Reluctance Machines over 1 Million rpm.
(2) D. Scharfenstein, R. W. De Donker, Extended Operating Range of Induction Machines using Switched Stator Winding.
(3) S. Lyu, H. Yang, H. Lin, Y. Li, H. Zheng, Speed Range Extension of a Dual-Stator PM Machine using Winding Switching Strategy.
(4) F. Li, K. Wang, H. Y. Sun, H. Zhang, L. Zhang, Quantitative Comparison between SPM Machine and Consequent Pole PM Machines with Different Topologies
(5) R. Zhou, G. J. Li, Z. Q. Zhu, Y. X. Li, M. P. Foster, D. A. Stone, Comparative studies of fractional/integer-slot consequent pole permanent magnet machines.
(6) R. Zhou, G. J. Li, Z. Q. Zhu, Y. X. Li, M. P. Foster, D. A. Stone, Investigation of Integer/fractional slot consequent pole PM machines with different rotor structure.
(7) A. Credo, G. Fabri, M. Villani, M. Popescu, High speed synchronous reluctance motors for electric vehicles: a focus on rotor mechanical design.
(8) H. Yang, W. Wang, H. Liu, Z. Q. Zhu, S. Lyu, S. Niu, A novel hybrid-pole interior PM machine with magnet-axis-shifting effect.
(9) Y. Li, H. Yang, H. Liu, H. Zheng, Comparative study of advanced stator interior permanent magnet machines.
(10) S. Agrawal, A. Banerjee, Torque-Density improvement in Brushless doubly-fed reluctance machines using additional stator winding.
(11) Z. Zhang, A Brushless Doubly Fed Machine with Separated Field and Armature Windings in Dual Stators.
(12) E. Libbos, B. Ku, S. Agrawal, S. Tungare, A. Banerjee, P. T. Krein, Variable-pole induction machine drive for electric vehicles
(13) M. C. Gardner, Y. Zhang, D. Talebi, H. A. Toliyat, A. Crapo, P. Knauer, H. Wilis, Loss Breakdown of a dual conical rotor PM motor using grain oriented electrical steel and soft magnetic compozite.
(14) L. Xu, H. Wang, H. Xiong, Z. Ke, J. Woo, J. Zhang, S. Dong, Design and experimental evaluation of a high specific power permanent magnet synchronous machine.
(15) G. Dajaku, H. Zhou, X. Dajaku, D. Gerling, Novel rotor design with reduced rare-earth material for PM machines.
(16) Q. Ma, A. El-Refaie, B. Lequesne, Low-cost interior PM machine with a blent of magnet types.
(17) R. Cao, X. Zhang, X. Yuan, A new three-phase hybride excitation flux-switching motor for EV/HEV applications.
(18) K. Kiyota, K. Ichiyanagi, K. Amei, T. Ohji, Principle of a novel dual-mode reluctance motor for EV applications
(19) L. Wu, G. Ming, L. Zhang, Y. Fang, Comparative study between doubly salient PM machine with new stator/rotor-pole number combination and biased flux PM machine.
(20) D. Golovanov, A. Galassini, L. Flanagan, D. Gerada, Z. Xu, C. Gerada, Dual-Rotor PM motor for electric superbike.
(21) D. Winterborne, N. Stannard, L. Sjoeberg, G. Atkinson, An air-cooled YASA motor for in-weel electric vehicle applications.

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